Innocent Behind Bars
What we support, what we don’t
NO Looting
NO Violence
NO Arson
NO Rioting
NO Vandalism
NO engaging against present police or security officers
When marching stay on assigned permitted route
When raising awareness during a march or rally do not block roads or traffic
Watch for those attempting to disturb peaceful protests or are misrepresenting the symbol.
Any violence, rioting, looting, arson, or misconduct is not representation of the symbol or flag.
We are not affiliated with nor do we endorse any specific politician or political party.
We only focus on the innocent person who has been wrongly convicted. We do NOT focus on who may be guilty or speculate on who may have committed the crime. That is not our area of expertise, our only goal is to get justice for the wrongly accused.
We encourage you to direct all energy towards supporting the innocent behind bars by peacefully advocating for them.
Thank you for adhering to these Rules of Conduct at all organized and private events representing this symbol. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
The Innocent Behind Bars Staff